You Can’t Have a Beautiful Desktop Website & Forget About The Mobile Version

You can't have a beautiful desktop website and forget about the mobile or tablet version when most people view websites from their phones & small devices.

Forgetting about the mobile and tablet design (or hiring a web designer who forgets on your behalf) is business suicide.

Not only will the user experience be terrible for your customers which will lead to a lack of sales and sign-ups, but they won't take you seriously as a business owner.

If a patron views a sloppy website, they will view the business as sloppy, and in turn the owner. You may lose their faith in you and your products or services as well as their potential to spend money with you.

In a world that moves very fast and dozens of competitors at the click of a finger, you have to have your business ducks in a row from the outset and be ready as soon as a customer wants to buy.


Never give customers a reason to click away or you'll have to work ten times harder to win them back.

Schedule your free consultation with us to talk about your website needs here.

Jessica Swords

Jessica Swords is a Website, Design and Social Media Specialist. As the founder of JLS Digital, she is passionate about creating beautiful digital imagery and helping your business show its best side. She writes about and shares useful information through this blog to assist you in your business journey.


Understanding SEO


Why You & Your Business Need a Website