Quotations are valid up until the specified date, or in the event that no date is specified, they will be valid for up to 30 days from date of quotation. JLS Digital reserves the right to change these terms at any time.

The project start date begins on the day that JLS Digital receives the 50% non-refundable deposit for website builds or other agreed upon upfront payment as per the contract terms for other services.

JLS Digital can revoke or cancel any projects before the project start date for any reason. If this should occur and a deposit has been made, 100% of this deposit will be refunded immediately.

The client accepts that in the event of any extra work that was not discussed in the initial consultation and not included in the quote will be subject to additional fees and be payable under the same payment terms.

The client agrees to provide information, content, images, and text required for the project in a timely fashion and should their lack of communication or failure to provide this information hold the project up for over 30 days past the agreed contracted date, JLS Digital reserves the right to cancel the project and the client agrees that they will pay any outstanding amounts for works already carried out by the agreed payment dates. In the event that JLS Digital has completed the whole project minus the required client information the project will be deemed completed and full payment will be due as per the payment terms.

Once the agreed work is undertaken, the project will be deemed completed. Any additional adjustments will be subject to additional fees.

The client agrees that any time spent after the initial consultation in communications for any reason including but not limited to text messaging, instant messaging, social media messaging, emailing, and/or meeting remotely and/or in person with JLS Digital may be subject to a fee which will be invoiced in addition to regular any project work on a monthly basis. This will be determined in individual project agreement.




JLS Digital has the right to refuse to work with any material for any reason. This can include but is not limited to any material JLS Digital deems obscene, offensive, harmful, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, prejudiced, hostile, inappropriate or illegal.

JLS Digital has the right to refuse to work with any material or strategies that they may deem as spamming, fraudulent or acting without integrity.

JLS Digital has the right to refuse to work with any information that they deem as potential theft or copyright infringement.

In the event that any material is left out of the project by JLS Digital for any of the above reasons, the project will be considered complete and full payment will be due as per the payment terms.




The Copyright of all designs not limited to but including web pages, digital images, logos and text created by JLS Digital remain the property of JLS Digital unless stated otherwise in a written contract between JLS Digital and the client until full payment is received.

The client does not have permission to edit, re-purpose or sell any materials created by JLS Digital or use said materials for any other purpose than the agreed upon terms unless a written agreement is put in place between the client and JLS Digital.

The client agrees that JLS Digital may embed and provide links to their services or website on any website build.

The client agrees that JLS Digital may include any projects in their public and private portfolio.

In the event that any project has been cancelled before completion and the client has been provided with materials based on a test or trial basis, the client does not have permission to use the material and must immediately dispose of any digital imagery or text from their devices, or return any physical materials. Any usage of this material will constitute copyright infringement. The exception to this is if full payment has been made.




All prices are subject to change with no notice, except in the event of a written and signed contract agreement.

All prices quoted are valid for specified period only and are only relevant to the client they have been quoted to.

Quotes are not transferrable to any other person than the client JLS Digital has made the agreement with.

All services are locked in at their agreed about price only when JLS Digital is in receipt of a 50% non-refundable deposit.

The client agrees to be invoiced for any fees that are incurred for any third-party services required to complete any project.

Full price of projects must be paid within 7 days of the invoice date.

In the event of ad hoc services, full payment must be made within 7 days of receipt of invoice.

Late payment will result in a 10% weekly fee increase.

In the event a client cancels a project, no refund of deposit will be given, and there will be an invoice created of work and services provided up until that point.

Should a client cancel a project, they will not own any images or materials created by JLS Digital, and JLS Digital will retain copyright ownership of any work created during the cancelled period.

The client will not be given ownership of any work created by JLS Digital until full payment is received, and client copyright ownership is part of a signed agreement.

JLS Digital reserves the right to dispose of or repurpose any work created for a client in the event of non-payment or the withholding of full payment and when the project is cancelled.

JLS Digital reserves the right to cancel any ongoing projects in the event of previous payment terms not being met.

The client agrees to be invoiced for time spent in communication with JLS Digital for any reason that is not accounted for within a service, and any research and/or administration time that JLS Digital is required to undertake to complete a project. The price of this is set in the current payment terms which the client is provided with and agrees to.



In the event that a service is billed by the hour, timings will be based on 15-minute increments, with any work time being rounded up to the higher threshold.




The client accepts that JLS Digital is not responsible for third-party domain and website hosting platforms and therefore holds no responsibility for any technical or billing issues that may occur. Any technical or billing issues with the website hosting or domain should be taken up with the respective providers. If the client would like JLS Digital to act on their behalf, an agreement must be made in writing giving express permission, and this may incur additional fees subject to normal payment terms. All payments to hosting platforms will be paid directly from the client to the host provider and the client understands that JLS Digital has no involvement or legal responsibility for the hosting of the website.




The client accepts that JLS Digital holds no responsibility for any malfunction on their website and any issues are the sole responsibility of the host or provider. Any accessibility issues should be directed to the website provider and not to JLS Digital. In the event that the client would like JLS Digital to assist in the rectification of any accessibility or functionality issues by acting as a liaison on the client’s behalf, an agreement must be made in writing giving express permission and this may incur additional charges subject to normal payment terms.




JLS Digital is not responsible for checking the validity or legality of any information or content within any project. This is the responsibility of the client only. It is illegal to copy or take any information, content and imagery from other websites and sources that the client does not have full ownership of for any purpose. JLS Digital is not responsible for checking any copyright infringement and said infringement is the responsibility of the client only. Any fines appointed to or legal action taken against the client remain the sole responsibility of the client, and JLS Digital holds no responsibility.




JLS Digital reserves the right to cancel any project or contract with any client at any time if JLS Digital finds any part of the project to contain any offensive or immoral content. In this event, the full payment will be due as per the payment terms.

JLS Digital reserves the right to cancel any project and remove their public and private association with any client who is deemed to have acted in any immoral way both publicly and privately which would constitute minor or gross misconduct. This includes a removal of JLS Digital name, links and logo on any website, social media platform or other. If the client has since changed the access log-in information and JLS Digital is not able to access the websites and social media accounts to remove said mentions and links, the client must either provide the new log-in information so that JLS Digital can delete any and all mention of JLS Digital, or the client must edit and remove said information within 3 days.




The client accepts that JLS Digital may edit and change their Terms & Conditions at any time, and it is the client’s responsibility to re-read through the Terms & Conditions before signing any new contract.